Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To my Stalker...

Hey what girl doesn't like a good stalker ( as long as she is kind, funny and happens to be my best friend) now and then? I am okay with that!
Hey if it makes you feel better I would be happy to stalk you - if you get a blog!
Just start, one entry at a time... and when you want to share you can, or you can just keep it to yourself (but I do not see the fun in that).
Anyway.... you know what I did today? I took the kids to one last storytime at B&N and then, thinking I would be inspired by all the creative kids books, got totally bummed. I was thinking, what am I doing... I am crazy for wanting to write children's lit...... AND illustrate it, CRAZY I SAY! Yet it is a dream I must try to reach....... so then to get back to reality, I went home and cleaned the kids rooms! I should have just grabbed a shovel or heck... a plow truck would have worked better! Cassidy's room was the worst, do you remember ever puting toothpaste in the closet? Or underwear in a pillowcase? I sure don't. I am pretty sure I have ten new gray hairs today. But now.... well, it is so pretty, and CLEAN. It is such a nice feeling, even if only for a fleeting moment.
I am going to the studio now, later.


Anonymous said...

See..I'm here again! I am a stalker. I do like to see what you're up to during the day. Makes me feel more connected to other grown-ups!
Plus..your energy is inspiring.

I've been working in my studio most of the day creating a new inexpensive casual line for Sibelle-Chic. I ended up black faced as usual. I'm such a babe after I finish cutting and welding. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl-

Love the blog!! Glad to see theres a way I can see what you are up to each day and that I am not the only one that has kids that have rooms that look as if a bomb went off. Sabrina cant wait to spend time with Cassidy in CO, cant wait!