Tuesday, January 13, 2009

BBBBRRRRRRR..... Cold in Fargo

'It is cold in Fargo'

Yes it is cold. VERY cold. Leaving sunny CA was hard to do... not just because of the weather. Saying goodbye to my mom and grandma was not much fun. I wish I could have stayed and helped out longer. But alas, I have my kids and a hubby that need me. I missed them. And in return they missed me, which was nice. I came home to teeth chattering cold only to have a young girl slide her car into mine.... totally her fault. Hello.. it is icy.. you need to slow down to stop at the stop sign. Oh well, no one was hurt. And we both have insurance. More aggraveting than anything.
Then as if I could not have more delightful news, my mom called me this afternoon to tell me that grandma had to return to the hospital. Her fluids are building up again... due to her congestive heart failure. I felt terrible. Just when she gets settled and trying to recover at home. Then she has to go back.. poor Grandma. My mom is, of course, tired and having to miss more work. I just pray for her strength through all this. I love you mom.

For all the caretakers out there, bless you. All your sacrifice and hard work. The emotional heartache and stress. I hope you know how we appreciate you and feel for your circumstances. Just know I wish you all the rewards you deserve.

Thinking of you,

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