I never imagined I would get such a response. It really brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait to hop on my magic carpet and come visit you all! WOW!! I also had my first ever Etsy sale... actually come to think of it... my first online sale. Thank you Julie! I can not even explain how I feel. When I tell people I am a blogger some roll their eyes ... when I explain that I love art, it is who I am... and people pat you on your head send you on your way and say 'oh that is nice that you have a hobby dear' .... it can sting. Not that it is bad to have art as a hobby... but it has always been my home... my safe haven, so much more to me than words could ever explain. All I ever wanted to do is lift people up so that they can feel the same way I would like to be treated. I never expected so much in return. Thank you. You have made a simple girl feel really special.
My big brother Denny and lil 'ol me...
I was, as some of you know, out of town for a little while. I went to visit my brother and mom in Los Angeles. It was a much needed break. I really enjoyed reconnecting with my brother. He always watched out for me when we were young. He still does even though we are so far apart. He was always the one person I could rely on to understand me. We grew up together... went through it all together. He keeps tabs on me and encourages me.... he took me to the one place I wanted to visit. The Thinkspace Gallery. We did so many fun things... but this was a place were I could connect with artists I really admire and draw inspiration from. A small little gallery with the sole purpose of bringing unconventional or low brow artists to light. I don't really like the labels... fine art, pop art, etc.... I feel like all art should be recognized. It is that unique voice inside all of us that should not be quieted. So I was in a very happy place here..... Thanks Denny.
me in front of the Thinkspace gallery
I went here and there and everywhere.... but in the end it was about being with people I love. People that love me back. That being said.... it was good to come home. I got home Tuesday... and Wednesday was Cassidy's 8th Birthday! She was so excited... she didn't want a cake... she wanted a cookie! HA! So she opened up some gifts.... clothes... etc... you know the deal. Then... I should have known something was wrong when she decided she did not want her cookie. Well let's just say the evening turned out to be a lot less fun than she (or I for that matter) wanted. She has been sick for the last couple days. Her smile is coming back and she looking forward to time with family and friends this weekend. Birthday part 2!
Hi ,
I missed you :) and your brother is HOT..LOL
I think thats whats so great about the internet we can connect with people who totally understand how much art means.
Glad you had fun with your brother.
Oh and Happy Birthday Cassidy!!
Hi Carrie. I'm so glad I found you and your art. I can so relate with the first paragraph of this post. I'm 55 and my mother wants to know when I'm going to get a "real job" :) And I just love your art--very inspiring. I will be following your blog--I love it!!
Carrie you are a wonderful artist and don't forget it. So glad you had time with family and I'm glad you decided on birthday #2! LOL Have a great weekend.
My other baby girl is 8 years old already. It's hard to believe. BTW - I love the bangs. Hugs and Kisses to Cassidy. I love you all.
Hi Carrie ! Congrats on your first sale !
I have been blogging for about two and a half years and I have felt misunderstood by many people too but you know, the people who really get me understand why I love Blogland so much when they hear about the supportive, encourgaing and genuinely friendly community of artists who are involved here. Just look at the numbers in the OWOH event ! It is awesome.
I think your srt is really lovely -what got me the most in your piece for the giveaway was both your figures expression and the gentle, subtle gesture in her hand...so beautiful !
Anyway, I am happy to have found your blog and have added it to my RSS feed so I will visit again soon.
Cheers and Happy Love Day !
Carrie, your artwork is amazing! If I am not fortunate to win your OWOH event, I shall be purchasing at least two of your prints. :) They are so dreaming and ethereal. I am happy to have found your beautiful blog through OWOH. :) Keep making beautiful art!
I hear what you are saying sweetie!! The 'hobby' comment is sometimes said in such a condescending way from those that just don't 'get' it. Poor souls, they are the ones that are missing out - they don't have that same inner glow we get from a glorious moment creating art. We can often be alone when we get so excited over the lovely green that blends so nicely with the yellow.. teehee - Art is healing, it's therapeutic in so many ways - a HOBBY everyone should have :)) xoxo
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