Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Listening to Hilary...

We are laying here watching Hilary, should be interesting to see how it all pans out... I think it will be another close one. McCain and Obama are the new Kerry vs. Bush.
Enough of that though, this blog is supposed to be fun .
I did not really work in the studio to much, just a little bit. My hubby helped me stretch some canvas and I put a couple new layers onto the illustration I am working on... which now I think is to dark. Oh well. I went to the grocery store, made lunch for 5 kids.... then snack ..... then dessert. Then I straightened, did dishes.... blah blah blah .... repeat cycle. You know how it is.
I did a couple more drawings I will put up here. One I think looks an awful lot like Syler (Karman's oldest girl).
Also, thanks to my peeps for the comments, it really makes me feel more connected with everyone! Hope you all start blogging too!
Kaeli, you are sooooooo very missed, I love you too!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok...I have to say..I kind of like logging in frequently just so I can see your pretty face and listen to your music! Is that wrong?
Does that make me a stalker?
